Healthy Boundaries And How To Set Them In A Relationship

Healthy Boundaries And How To Set Them In A Relationship

Most people think of boundaries as a bad thing. You may think of siblings who share a room dividing the room in half to designate their sides. You might even think of someone drawing a line in the sand to separate themselves from someone else. Or maybe you’re picturing something more intense, like a fence or a wall. What if … Read More

What Is Anxiety?

what is anxiety?

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues facing our modern world today. In the United States alone, anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults each year. While anxiety is incredibly common, its symptoms can truly detract from an individual’s quality of life. Because of its commonality, many people assume that anxiety symptoms are normal, but that simply isn’t … Read More

Putting You First: How To Show Up For Yourself In A Relationship

Putting You First: How To Show Up For Yourself In A Relationship

When you start a relationship, it’s easy to get caught up in your partner’s interests, wants, and needs. You want to make yourself readily available to them to show your interest, care, respect, and love for them. In most relationships, even healthy ones, people can sometimes lose sight of themselves, their own goals, wants, and needs. This doesn’t always mean … Read More

4 Ways To Engage In Healthy Conflict For A Better Relationship

4 Ways To Engage In Healthy Conflict For A Better Relationship

Fighting is usually associated with being a negative thing. It typically implies that there’s a conflict or a disagreement of some sort. When you hear the word “conflict”, you may immediately think of yelling, screaming, fighting, or punching. Although conflict is more likely to be associated with a negative interaction, it doesn’t always have to be that way. There is … Read More

Breaking The Curse Of Generational Trauma

Breaking The Curse Of Generational Trauma

The experiences you go through are what make you into the person you are today. How you were raised, the people you interact with, and the choices you make each and every day. You receive a lot from your parents and family members. You may have your father’s eyes, your mother’s hair, or your grandfather’s height. Think about the traditions … Read More

Signs A Woman May Be Dealing With PTSD

Signs A Woman May Be Dealing With PTSD

For some reason, in the world today, there is still a big stigma against mental health, especially some mental health conditions like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD for example. This stigma can cause a lot of beliefs that aren’t necessarily true to circulate and misinform individuals who may actually be suffering from PTSD of their own. Anyone who experiences a … Read More

How To Deal With Political Threats Against Women

How To Deal With Political Threats Against Women

As a young girl, your parents taught you that you could be anything you wanted to be. You played dress-up almost daily and decided to act out various roles. Doctor, teacher, mother, veterinarian, coach, and lawyer. You never felt like you couldn’t be or do anything. But then you grew up and realized that life isn’t as easy for people … Read More

Spotting Depression In Women: What To Look For

Spotting Depression In Women

You want the best for them. No matter if it’s your partner, sister, mother, grandmother, niece, daughter, co-worker, or any other female influence in your life. You want to be there for them, no matter what. Through the good times and the bad times. You want to be able to show up for them like they always seem to do … Read More

What Are Common Anxiety Symptoms In Women?

What Are Common Anxiety Symptoms In Women?

As a woman, you’re often told to be more cautious compared to men. You’re told to pay attention to your surroundings, listen, and not be distracted. You may feel pretty safe and secure, but you can’t help to be a little concerned due to what you’ve been taught. You often have this feeling that something’s wrong, whether it is or … Read More

Childhood Trauma And Healing From It

Childhood Trauma And Healing From It

As you may know, all of the experiences from your past helped make you into the person you are today. The good times and the bad times help shape you. When you experience an injury like a cut, you may first notice it because it stings and it bleeds. You’ll spend time rinsing it, sanitizing it so it doesn’t get … Read More