Tips For Letting Yourself Be Intimate

Tips For Letting Yourself Be Intimate

Falling for someone may seem easy for most people. For you, you tend to be a little more cautious.

You put up walls hoping someone will fight for you and tear them down. It’s almost as if you’re a princess trapped in a high tower waiting to be saved by a prince. Just like in all of the fairytales you read growing up.

They say that fools rush in, and you’re not looking to be made out to be a fool. You want to take your time. You want the relationship to grow naturally and see where it takes you. But you’d be lying if you said that this route is working for you. You’ve been on countless number of dates, and it hasn’t worked out. You’re starting to wonder if you’re the problem.

Here are some tips for letting yourself be intimate.

Allow Yourself to Feel

Intimacy may seem like a scary ask, but it’s necessary to build and grow in the relationships in your life. Although intimacy is often used simultaneously with sex, intimacy is much more than that. Intimacy can include emotional intimacy, physical intimacy, and sexual intimacy. If you’re struggling with being intimate, acknowledge how you’re feeling and work with your partner to overcome it together. Being open and honest with one another can work to build intimacy.

Give Out Compliments

An easy way to be a little more intimate is to pass out compliments. Let your partner know how much you care about them, appreciate them, like or love them. The longer you’re in a relationship, the easier it is to get caught up in your day-to-day routine. You may become used to some of your partner’s actions and behaviors and take them for granted. A little validation can go a long way. Learn about your partner’s love language and try to meet one another’s needs.

Break Out of Your Routine

Out with the old and in with the new. If things are feeling a little dry, drab, and boring, it’s time to change up your routine. Life has its ebbs and flows. A lot of people may fall into a routine of working all day, coming home, eating dinner together, and going straight to bed just to do it all again tomorrow. There’s no better time than the present to try something new. Start fresh again. Text your partner randomly during the day and let them know you’re thinking about them. Give them a call during your lunch break to let them know you’re excited to see them. Plan a spontaneous date night together.

Learn More About One Another

No matter how long you and your partner have been together, there will always be more to learn. Make sure you never stop asking questions or playing games to continuously learn more about one another. Keep the communication open and make sure you’re both actively listening to each other.

Seek Professional Help

Intimacy comes with trust. If you’re not used to intimacy or have a hard time trusting others, you’re not alone. Intimacy can seem like a scary concept, especially if your trust has been broken in the past. If you’re struggling with intimacy or opening yourself up to your partner, we’re here to help. There are things that you can do on your end to try to become more intimate. Working with a therapist may be a great way for you to open up a little more over time, as well as help you with coping mechanisms or strategies on how to become more intimate on your own terms. Reach out to us today to set up a consultation.

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