Tips For Calming Anxiety For Better Sleep

Tips For Calming Anxiety For Better Sleep

While most people can crawl into bed and fall asleep so easily, you’ve never had that luxury. While others are counting sheep, you’re trying to think of all of the items that are left on your to-do list.

And your thoughts don’t stop there. You’re thinking about your day and how it went. The projects you completed, the emails you sent, and the conversations you had. You want to go over every interaction to make sure everything you said was okay and that you didn’t embarrass yourself. And when you’re done with that, you move on to worrying about how tomorrow’s going to go and what you need to get done.

Your anxiety is starting to impact your daily life and routine. You haven’t felt like you’ve gotten a decent night’s sleep in a while. Here are some tips for calming anxiety for better sleep.

Create and Follow a Sleep Schedule

Anxiety and sleep can be a vicious cycle. If you are struggling with anxiety, you may have a harder time falling asleep and staying asleep at night. When you wake up in the morning, you may immediately feel groggy, tired, and anxious from not getting enough sleep.

You can try to prevent this by creating and sticking to a sleep schedule and routine. Try to go to bed around the same time each night and wake up around the same time each morning. Over time, your body and brain will naturally recognize these times and start to feel alert in the mornings and more tired at nighttime.

Start Journaling

A lot of anxiety can creep in at night when you’re lying in bed because you have a lot fewer distractions than you had during the day. During the day, you’re constantly moving, whether you’re working, going to school, or taking care of children or your household, you have to-do lists and action items.

At night, you’re left to yourself and your own thoughts. Try to give those thoughts somewhere to go before you go to bed. Journaling can be a great way to get all of those thoughts from your head down on paper instead. This can help you get rid of any negative emotions or thoughts that you may be holding onto so you can fall asleep more easily at night.

Move Your Body

Exercise is known for being good for your physical health, but it’s also great for your mental health as well. Exercise has been shown to be a positive activity for reducing stress and increasing one’s mood.

Not only is exercise beneficial for someone’s overall mental health and wellness. It can also help with falling asleep easier at night. Aim to move your body for at least thirty minutes each day. By doing so, you can start to get rid of some of that anxiety that you’re experiencing. Plus, the extra movement can help you feel more tired at night so it’s easier to fall asleep.

Seek Additional Support

Anxiety is a common emotion just like when you experience other emotions like happiness, sadness, or anger. Experiencing too much of something isn’t always a good thing. If your anxiety is starting to harm your daily life and routine, it’s a good sign that it may be time to reach out for help.

A licensed and trained mental health professional can work with you to help you figure out what may be causing your anxiety. They’ll also be able to help you work through the different signs and symptoms you’re experiencing. Let’s get your sleep schedule and routine back on track again. Reach out today to set up a consultation for anxiety therapy.