Communication Tips For Couples

Communication Tips For Couples

Family, friends, and even society can play a big influence on your life. You may have felt a little pressured by your parents to participate in certain activities when you were younger. Society may make you feel like you have to graduate, earn a stable income, get engaged, married, and have children by a certain date. Your loved ones may … Read More

Tips For Letting Yourself Be Intimate

Tips For Letting Yourself Be Intimate

Falling for someone may seem easy for most people. For you, you tend to be a little more cautious. You put up walls hoping someone will fight for you and tear them down. It’s almost as if you’re a princess trapped in a high tower waiting to be saved by a prince. Just like in all of the fairytales you … Read More

Why Are Boundaries Important In Relationships?

Why Are Boundaries Important In Relationships?

Have you ever said “yes” to something when you actually wanted to say “no”? Maybe you’ve continued texting or talking to someone you were interested in despite it being past your bedtime. Or you’re constantly checking your messages and emails after working hours to make sure no email goes left unread. Boundaries are essential for any type of relationship. Yes, … Read More

Health Conflict? What This Is And How To Have It For Better Relationships

Health Conflict? What This Is And How To Have It For Better Relationships

When it comes to relationships, no matter how much you try or how similar you and your partner actually are, it just isn’t sunshine and rainbows at all times. And you know what? That’s okay, and guess what? It’s even normal! Relationships take a lot of work. There are good and bad days, just like in life. Plus, you can’t … Read More

Learning From The Past: How To Stop Repeating Relationship Mistakes

Learning From The Past: How To Stop Repeating Relationship Mistakes

Have you ever felt like you’re taking two steps forward but five steps backward? You’re trying to move forward in your life, specifically in your relationships, but you keep repeating the same mistakes repeatedly. You don’t feel like you’re moving forward at all. At this rate, you feel constantly stuck in the same place. You feel like you’re playing a … Read More

Differences Between Psychologists and Psychiatrists

Differences Between Psychologists and Psychiatrists

The words “psychologist” and “psychiatrist” are often used interchangeably. You may even be sitting here right now wondering if you accidentally made this mistake in conversation before. Don’t worry, it’s an easy one to make. Yes, both psychologists and psychiatrists are professionals within the mental health field. Both roles even work with patients on a one-on-one level. That being said, there … Read More

Knowing What You Want Out Of A Relationship: 4 Tips To Figure This Out

Knowing What You Want Out Of A Relationship: 4 Tips To Figure This Out

You’ve gone on plenty of dates, but it never seems to work out in the end. You scroll through dating apps. Left, left, right, right, right. You swipe, scroll, and like, navigating through different profiles, photos, and quick facts. Everyone has a type, a preference, and a personal choice when it comes to dating. That’s how you’re able to identify … Read More

Can You Experience Trauma From Attachments

Can You Experience Trauma From Attachments?

Have you ever experienced a BAND-AID sticking to your skin? When you try to remove it, your skin and the bandage act like they’re pulling in two completely different directions. It feels like the bandaid has become part of you. The pulling of the hair and skin hurts. A red mark or residue can be seen from where the bandaid … Read More

How To Spot Signs of Attachment Trauma In Adults

How To Spot Signs of Attachment Trauma In Adults

Some things are just easier to spot compared to others. Chickenpox is identified through blister-like dots or spots on the skin. Jaundice is recognized when the eyes or skin turn yellow. A quickened heartbeat, restlessness, and the feeling of butterflies in the stomach are common signs and symptoms of anxiety. Depression is associated with feelings of sadness, changes in eating … Read More

What Are Trauma Bonds And Can You Break Them?

What Are Trauma Bonds And Can You Break Them?

It’s almost as if you have an invisible string attached to you and this person. No matter how far you try to get away, they find you or you seem to find your way back to them. You feel a magnetic pull drawing you in, even when you try to resist it. You know this type of relationship is not … Read More