Causes and Types of Attachment Trauma

If your needs were unmet as a child, you may experience a form of attachment trauma. Let’s learn more about the causes and types of attachment trauma.

Post-Partum Depression: How Common Is It? 5 Ways To Heal

perinatal mental health

Everyone tells you that having a baby is one of the best things in the world. It’s a blessing. It’s a miracle. It’s an unforgettable experience.  But what a lot of people don’t tell you is that it can also be hard, challenging, and emotional. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Having a baby can come with a fair share of … Read More

Keeping Anxiety At Bay While Pregnant

perinatal anxiety

Finding out that you’re expecting a child can bring a rollercoaster of emotions your way. A lot of people feel joy and excitement while others may feel nervous or unprepared. Some individuals can experience a combination of the two depending on the day or where they may be in their pregnancy. 

It makes sense for someone to have anxiety about it all. Still, it is important to try to keep levels of stress and anxiety down while you’re pregnant.

High-Functioning Depression Explained

high-functioning depression

High-functioning depression is one of those forms of depression that is just as serious but can be a lot more challenging to spot. Let’s learn more about high-functioning depression and its causes, signs, symptoms, and treatment options.

Natural Ways to Reduce Anxiety

walking outdoors

Anxiety can be a larger problem if the signs and symptoms don’t seem to go away with time. Thankfully, there are some lifestyle changes and natural remedies that you can implement on your own end to help reduce some of those anxious thoughts and feelings.

Let’s learn more about some of the natural ways that you can reduce anxiety.

Telltale Signs You May Have ADHD

don't forget sticky note

Even though finding out that you may have ADHD is more common in childhood, finding out as an adult doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you, especially if you’re able to get the help you need and deserve.

Signs of Postpartum Anxiety

mother's hand holding baby's foot tenderly

Having a new baby can bring a lot of unknowns and changes. Having anxiety as a new parent is completely normal. If that anxiety is persistent and the worries or fears cannot be controlled or stopped, it may be a sign that there’s a larger issue at play. That could be an indicator of postpartum anxiety.