Coping When You’re Living in a Non-Affirming Environment

Food, water, and shelter are basic human needs. Connection is another, less known human need. Without these, needs aren’t met, impacting a person’s overall mental health and wellness.

With connection comes trust, acceptance, and love. But what if someone is raised in a household that doesn’t provide this basic human need for them?

Unfortunately, many more people experience these living conditions than you may think. Not everyone recognizes and supports the individuals who identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community. People in these environments can be subject to being ignored, suppressed, and experiencing emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.

Not being accepted, acknowledged, or supported is known as a non-affirming environment. Let’s learn more about how to cope when living in a non-affirming environment.

Take Care of Yourself

Take care of yourself from the inside out. Taking care of yourself helps to set your body and brain up for success. This will ensure that you stay healthy, happy, and feeling good. Eat healthy and well-balanced meals throughout your day. Drink enough water. Find ways to move your body for at least thirty minutes each day. And aim for at least eight hours of sleep every night.

Do What Makes You Happy

Not only will finding activities that make you happy get you out of the house and into a place that is more affirming and positive, but doing what makes you happy can also make you feel more secure within yourself. Go after your hobbies or passion projects. If you like to dance, sign up for a dance class. If you enjoy arts and crafts, try to find a painting or pottery class. Doing things that make you happy will give you a greater sense of fulfillment.

Start Journaling

Journaling is a great way to get your thoughts and emotions down on the pages of a notebook instead of holding them in. When you’re able to write down your thoughts and feelings, you’re able to release that pent-up negative energy. Journaling is not only beneficial in the moment, but it’s also a great tool to look back on later and help you determine any stressors, triggers, or coping mechanisms.

Get Social

Living in a non-affirming environment can make you feel isolated and alone. Even though this may be the case, try not to go down this route as this can lead to worsening signs and symptoms. You have people who care about you, love you, and support you for the person that you are. Even if you live in a place that doesn’t show you the same amount of respect and love, it doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve it from someone else. Focus on building a support network outside your home if you’re not getting the support you need and deserve. Lean on your family members or friends who support you. You can also expand your social circle and look towards LGBTQIA+ support groups. If you live in an area that doesn’t have much to offer for in-person groups, try looking online to connect with other like-minded individuals.

Seek Additional Support

Another way that you can cope when you’re living in a non-affirming environment is to reach out for additional support from an affirming outside third party. A therapist can help you work through the negative thoughts and feelings you have about the world that you’re living in. They’ll be able to help you break down any memories and address potential triggers or stressors. To learn more about how therapy can help you cope and move forward in your life again, reach out today to set up an initial consultation.