Social anxiety is a type of anxiety that involves a worry or fear that other people will embarrass, judge, or reject you.
This type of anxiety can be difficult to deal with, and it’s not ideal to hide in the comfort of your own home avoiding interacting or making connections with others.
Human connection is just as important as other basic human needs like food, water, and shelter. While your social anxiety may be trying to convince you to withdraw from social activities and isolate, this can actually lead to worsening signs and symptoms.
Here are 5 techniques to overcome social anxiety.
1. Identify Your Triggers
A great first step towards working to overcome social anxiety is to start by identifying any potential triggers you may have. Trying to figure out what causes your anxiety can help you work to better manage it in the future. Make a list of the activities or events that you attend and how you feel when you’re involved in certain situations. Taking the time to identify what is causing your anxiety can help you become proactive rather than reactive.
2. Challenge Your Negative Thought Patterns
The mind can be a tricky place. When you’re dealing with social anxiety, your mind may be telling you one thing that is not even true, but you may start to believe it. Social anxiety tends to make us feel as though we’re involved in a worst-case scenario at all times. Try to challenge those negative thoughts so you can better determine if how you’re feeling is accurate based on the situation that’s taking place. Ask yourself if how you’re feeling and the thoughts that you’re thinking are based on fact or fiction. Instead of thinking about the worst things that could happen, consider thinking about the things that could go right instead. Replacing those negative thoughts with more positive ones is a great step in the right direction.
3. Implement Relaxation Techniques
A lot of anxiety can cause someone to feel on edge, nervous, fearful, and hypervigilant. Anxiety tends to pull from past or potential future events, leading individuals to not live in the present moment. Implementing relaxation techniques can help to keep someone grounded and in the present moment again. Here are a few of the different relaxation techniques that you can try:
- Deep breathing
- Listening to music
- Meditation
- Walking outside
- Yoga
4. Practice Makes Perfect
If you have social anxiety, it can be difficult to put yourself out there and face your fears. One of the best ways to overcome social anxiety is by putting yourself in those situations that you’re afraid of. Instead of jumping in cold turkey, consider starting off by role-playing situations or conversations with trusted and supportive loved ones. Practicing real-life scenarios can help you feel a little more comfortable and confident when you’re exposed to these interactions in public spaces. Over time, you’ll grow more confident in yourself and your abilities.
5. Seek Additional Support
If you’re still struggling with social anxiety, there’s nothing wrong with reaching out for additional support. You’re not expected to have all of the answers. Social anxiety is more common than you may think. Just because it’s a common condition doesn’t mean that you have to continue to live your life this way and let your social anxiety control you. It’s time to take back control, and we’re here to help you do so. Working with a licensed and trained therapist can help you determine what the cause of your social anxiety is, work through any signs and symptoms you may be struggling with, and develop coping mechanisms so you can move forward and heal. Reach out today to learn more about how you can overcome social anxiety.